Jen & Gary

We are a young, vibrant couple who enjoy life.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

My Weekend

I was so glad when Friday came around. I felt like I was coming down with a cold all week. I was feeling tired, and just need some rest. Gary left 4am Saturday morning for his guard weekend. So, I slept, and slept until 10am! It felt so good. I woke up, and then started cleaning. I cleaned pretty much all day because my cousin Jeff and his wife Jolene were in town, and we were going out.

When Jeff and Jolene came, and their friends Nina and Phil we headed out for a fun evening. We went to "Cheeseburger in Paradise." After some drinks and dinner, we headed out downtown to a little bar. We danced and carried on, and were home around midnight. It was great to see Jeff again. Jeff is like a brother to me, and has a great sense of humor. Jeff and I also have some weird likenesses. It was so nice to see them again.

Today, I plan on not doing too much. I do need to go to the pet store and get some dog food and cat litter. I also need to go to the grocery store and get a few groceries. I think I might splurge and maybe watch a movie. I ususally don't take the time to watch a movie, but I just might have to today.

I cannot believe that Novemeber is already here. This year has flown by so quickly. With us thinking of adoption, I am so excitied to see what this year has to offer. I am looking forward to being a mother.


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